About Success Tips Workshops
Experienced Professional Development Coaching at SuccessTipsWorkshops.com
Claudia White, is the Creator of SuccessTipsWorkshops.com. She has worked for more than 20+ years as a successful Corporate Coach, Career Trainer, and Educator and has facilitated a multitude of career enhancement workshops throughout the U.S. and Europe. Her accomplishments include successfully coaching numerous corporate professionals, including top-level executives. In her spare time, she served as an Adjunct Instructor at three Delaware Valley Community Colleges.
During her career, Ms. White noticed that there were times when a formal class or workshop did not fit the schedules or needs of many people who simply wanted an answer to some very basic questions - How do I create a resume? How do I apply for another job? How do I get a promotion? Who do I talk to about problems on the job? Why do I have to dress a certain way for my interview? How can I get everything I have to do done in one day?
She also noticed that many of the students in her classes would spend their lunch hour asking her questions and getting personal coaching instead of eating their lunch. These experiences led to the creation of SuccessTipsWorkshops.com. These workshops don't take a lot of time - about as long as a person's lunch hour - but provide opportunities for attendees to learn valuable information that will help them progress in their job or career.
One of the other things she realized, from the Trainer’s point of view, is that people did not have to pay high prices to get good training. Looking at it as the Trainer - and not the training company - the per-person, per-hour cost is actually very affordable. Ms. White decided that she would pass that savings on to the Webinar participants. That’s why you can get professional career development webinars for as low as $49.99 for 1 hour of training time (up to 90 minutes, if necessary).
During these career enhancing webinars at Success Tips Workshops, Ms. White is making herself available to everyone in order to help them answer questions about how to succeed and move forward with their career. "There's probably at least one hour during the day when practically everyone can take some time to focus on themselves. That time period is the perfect opportunity to ask career enhancing questions and get career-focused success tips." With that in mind, every LIVE session at SuccessTipsWorkshops.com has been created to fit within one of the various 1-hour timeframes that can begin as early as 10:00a.m. and end by 4:00p.m. (East Coast Time)
Contact us now for a LIVE Career Enhancing Webinar, and let Claudia White and the information-rich webinars at Success Tips Workshops show YOU how to succeed. It will only take an hour of your time (or a little more, if necessary) to get answers, ideas, fine-tune your plans, and get even more excited about how Success Tips Workshops sessions can help YOU move forward... on the job... in your own business... and in your personal life!