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Our LIVE one-hour meetings or webinars (90-minutes, if needed) are designed for everyone, at any career level.  We offer simple tools that can be used to help you attain your career success.  Our success strategies help get people past their roadblocks and onto a thriving career. 


When you join our virtual classroom from any device, you will participate in a LIVE, interactive career coaching meeting or webinar with an experienced career coach.


Our meetings and webinars are simply designed to improve your career life. Learn valuable keys to success in the time it takes to eat your lunch.  Our workshops start at just $49.99. Isn't your success worth at least that?  

How to Write an Effective Resume


In this session you'll learn how to write an effective resume., because your goal is to show prospective employers that you are the best candidate for a job... and why.


These Success Tips sessions teach proper resume structures, including ATS (Applicant Tracking System) considerations and why that structure is important. We'll show you why a poorly written resume is simply a waste of time.


Take just 60 minutes, 1 hour, (up to 90 minutes if you need the extra time) and let us help you, and show you, how to write a resume that is effective. 


Get the job you want by starting now. This simple session could give your career path the boost that it needs.


Contact us to sign up now.

How to Interview Successfully


Are you planning to get a new job? Then after giving them your best resume you have to ace the interview. We will give you the  success tips you need to show you how to do just that!


This webinar teaches people how to interview successfully. We answer common interview questions. We offer a guide that helps people to remember what to say as they talk with their prospective employer. We offer thorough explanations. We even role play. Why? Because we believe that people are more successful when they understand “why” and "how" to have a successful interview.  We even give you a free tool to use when you do your video interview.  


If you want a new job, sign up for this session today. It could be the most important one you take.

Contact us to sign up now.

How to Dress for Business


When you go to work you have to dress properly... even if it's a virtual job. Does that mean "business casual",  "casual", or "business dress"?


We explain the benefits of dressing a certain way when you go to work. Even companies that have "casual Friday" have expectations.


There really is a reason and a benefit to learning, reviewing understanding, and using a great Dressing for Business point of view.  Using simple business dress techniques could actually lead to a promotion.


Join us for this very important Success Tips session, and learn the many answers to how to dress for business every day, no matter what day it is.

Contact us to sign up now.

How to be a Great Employee


Is it important for you to be a great employee? YES. What does that mean?…  Just what is a "great employee"? Being GREAT affects the success you have on your current job. It also affects you moving on successfully to your next job, whether that’s with your current employer or a new one.  It's extremely important to understand what "a great employee" is, and how you can become one.


Being a great employee isn’t difficult.  It’s actually easier than you think, and our How to Be a Great Employee webinar will show you simple techniques to improve how you do your job every day.


You will learn proven tips that can enhance your work life, your career, and your daily attitude about going to work.  When you use our methods for showing your greatness you’ll see that your job is part of your life and career plan, not an unpleasant task.


Contact us to sign up now.

How to Manage Your Team


If you are a Supervisor, Manager, or an Executive, your team is there because you can’t do it all by yourself. You are there to get the company's work done, and to meet their deadlines. The company wants the job done as smoothly and effectively as possible. So, is your team effectively helping you get the results your company wants and expects?


If not, it is time to learn how to manage your team to achieve the company's goals, and work together well. Learn how to be a more successful manager. We teach management tips that are proven to be effective when used daily, consistently and with confidence.


With over 25 combined years of executive management experience we know what works... and... we know what doesn’t. Learn how to manage your team.  It's actually easier than you think.


Contact us to sign up now.

How to Manage Your Time


Every day there seems to be so much to do and not enough time to do it. There are work, and family, and personal commitments... every day. And to makes things harder there are only 24 hours in each day. Sometimes it seems like everything will never get done.


This webinar will give you success tips and proven methods for how to manage your time to make your days feel, and hopefully be, less stressful.  You will be given successful ways that very busy people use to get their tasks done, and still have time for themselves at the end of the day.


We look forward to sharing these tips with you in your personal session, or a webinar, and helping you feel good about getting more control of your time.

Contact us to sign up now.

How to Reduce Your Stress 


Many things in your life need your attention and your time.  Some of those things include your home, partner, children, school, family, friends, and your job. Sometimes it feels like every one of these things need your attention at the same time. Then, if you're really lucky, you get to fit you into your schedule too. No wonder you feel stressed.


This webinar shares proven success tips on how to reduce your stress.  You learn simple stress reduction secrets that help you gain control in your life.  You'll even get tips on how to be OK with not being able to do everything, simply because you ran out of time.


Stress Management and Stress Reduction are not only great techniques for improving how your life functions, they are also critical for helping to ensure a healthy future.


Sign-up for this session - How to Reduce Your Stress - and let us help you document and start practicing some very beneficial ways to live and work.

Contact us to sign up now.

Why Business Etiquette Matters


Whether you are having lunch, going through a doorway, or speaking to someone who is familiar but not personally known to you, etiquette matters.  If you are planning to move up in your career your business etiquette matters every day.  

Most people think that etiquette only applies to how you eat at the dining table.  It is much more than that, and yet proper etiquette isn't as difficult or restricting as you may think.  


Join us for this webinar and see how many of the Business Etiquette pointers you already use and which ones you can add to your style, and can start to use right away. 

Contact us to sign up now.

How to Manage Your Projects


Whether you are at work or at home almost everything you do has a deadline.  


You have tasks that need to be completed. You have people that you are working with to get those projects or tasks done. You also have things happen that you didn't expect. You may not call what you do managing a project, but actually, you are. 


As the opening minutes of this workshop get underway we will also prove to you that you have already mastered some of the skills you need to successfully manage your projects.


The How to Manage Your Projects 

workshop... webinar... will give you methods for accomplishing your specific tasks and reaching your specific goals.  This session will also give you tips for adding more, though flexible, structure to how you work towards successfully reaching your goals.


Sign up for this and many other sessions or webinars now and learn the tips that will make you successful at managing your various projects.

Contact us to sign up now.

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